The annual Cheeseburger in Paradise Regatta and BBQ is August 23. The race will begin around noon Near Marker #21 and will take Marker # to port and then back to Marker #21. However long the race takes, the BBQ will begin when the winners enter the conference center. The awards ceremony will commence approximately 2 hours later when everyone has assembled and eaten. After the awards ceremony Bob will present an iPhoto show on BVI in support of the upcoming BVI trip in December. This annual event is highly anticipated by all. Bragging rights last the whole year and the food is really good. Mike will be cooking up Cheeseburgers (of course) sausages, veggie burgers and a wide range of accompaniments and beverages will be served as well. The cost for club members is FREE. guests will pay a $20 BBQ fee and kids 12 &* under are only $10. Sign up ASAP as the spaces and boats are limited. All RSVP's need to be in by WED 8/20/08. I hope to see you there, & if I don't I'm sure you'll hear about it.